Atom UI

Managing Visual Studio/TFS Workspaces at the Command-Line

List current workspaces for your user:

C:\temp>tf workspaces /collection:tfs.hostname/tfs/ /login:\, Collection: http://tfs.hostname/tfs
Workspace Owner Computer Comment
------------ ------------ --------- -------------------------------------------------------------
CODE1 Dustin Oprea DUSTIN-PC

Map a new one locally:

C:\temp>mkdir test-workspace
C:\temp>cd test-workspace
C:\temp\test-workspace>tf workspace /new /noprompt test-workspace /collection:<TFS URL PREFIX>/<COLLECTION NAME> /login:<DOMAIN>\<USERNAME>,<PASSWORD> 
C:\temp\test-workspace>tf workfold /map "$/<PROJECT NAME>" test-workspace

Populate it:

C:\temp\test-workspace>tf get "$/<PROJECT NAME>" /Recursive

If you want to dispose of it, then, first, unmap it:

C:\temp\test-workspace>cd ..
C:\temp>tf workfold /unmap test-workspace /workspace:test-workspace /login:<DOMAIN>\<USERNAME>,<PASSWORD>
C:\temp>tf workspace /delete /noprompt test-workspace

Now, recursively delete the workspace directory.

“Unable to create the workspace ” due to a mapping conflict.”

This is a natural extension of the above:

If you’d like to list workspaces pass the TFS user as the owner:

C:\>tf workspaces /computer:<COMPUTER NAME> /collection:<TFS URL PREFIX>/<COLLECTION NAME> /owner:<OWNER NAME>
Workspace        Owner               Computer   Comment
---------------- ------------------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<WORKSPACE NAME> <OWNER NAME> <COMPUTER NAME> Workspace Created by Team Build

Delete the workspace mentioned in the error or found via the listing:

C:\>tf workspace /delete /collection:<TFS URL PREFIX>/<COLLECTION NAME> <WORKSPACE NAME>;<OWNER NAME>

“System” process bound to port 80 in Windows: “Can not obtain ownership information”

I have a port forwarded from another host to my local port 80. Of course this is occasionally problematic as I have other things that also want to use port 80. Unfortunately, I have some projects that embed some URLs to point to port 80. So, I simply stop and start the various port 80 services as required. Unfortunately, sometimes everything is fine and other times I end-up with port 80 being bound by an unidentifiable running process seemingly no matter how often I restart, even when I’ve made sure that there are no port-80 sites in my IIS. I inexplicably don’t often run into this problem (it seems like I should).

netstat indicates that a process with PID 4 is bound to it but can’t give me its name (this is an elevated prompt):


TCPView says that it’s actual “System” (read: Windows):


However, it turns out that it’s the “World Wide Web Publishing Service”. Turn it off (or disable it, sue Microsoft for damages, etc..):



You’ll be all set. Why does this service want port 80 when none of my sites are configured to use port 80? We’ll file it under “$!?!!%” for now.